Employees should sign an employment agreement mandating that company secrets be used only for company business. 公司员工(入职时)需要签署员工协议,该协议强制性说明,公司机密只能用于公司业务。
This further implies that the employer is able to pay each employee according to the employment agreement or contract. 这样作还表明雇主有能力根据雇佣协议和合同给每一个雇员支付工资。
Authorities say most of the applicants for the documents are domestic workers who were forced to surrender their passport to their employers as part of their employment agreement. 印尼当局说,大部分的旅行文件申请人都是管家劳工,他们因为工作协议而被迫将护照交给雇主。
Is it legally required for the factory to have a written employment agreement with every worker? 当地法规是否要求工厂必需与每位员工签订书面的雇佣合同?
An Exploration on the Legal Effect of Employment Agreement for College Graduates 高校毕业生《就业协议书》法律效力探究
People close to the matter say Mr Dorman is negotiating an employment agreement with Deutsche Bank. 知情人士表示,杜曼正在与德意志银行磋商就业协议。
On Reconstruction of Employment Agreement in Post Contract Law Era 后劳动合同法时代就业协议法律制度之重构
The level of pay during annual leave should be at the seafarer's normal level of remuneration provided for by national laws or regulations or in the applicable seafarers 'employment agreement. 在年休假期间的报酬水平应为国家法律或条例或适用的海员就业协议中规定的海员正常报酬水平。
When student registration registration, my school namely has signed "the raise employment agreement" with the guardian. 学生报名注册时,我校即与家长签订了“培养就业协议书”。
The relative rules should be included in the state regulation and school employment agreement so that the relative persons could act accordingly, or else be punished according to the rules. 国家应有相关规定,学校聘用合同也应有相应规定,以便相关从业人员参照执行,也以便对违规行为的按章处分。
Legal Reflection on College Graduates 'Employment& Brief on the Legal perfection of College Graduates Employment Agreement 高校毕业生就业工作的法律思考&简论《高校毕业生就业协议书》的法律完善
Conflicts between employment agreement and labour contract and ways to resolve them 就业协议与劳动合同的冲突及其解决办法
The fundamental ways to resolve the conflicts is combine employment agreement and labour contract into one. 解决问题的根本办法是将就业协议与劳动合同合二为一。
The employment agreement for university students plays an important role in the process of their obtaining employment. 大学生就业协议在当前大学生就业过程中起着非常重要的作用。
Employment Agreement is the file which the Employer and the Employee signed for the future relation of employment between them. 就业协议是用人单位与求职人员之间签订的关于未来劳动聘用关系及劳动合同主要内容的书面文件。
Establishing the link and harmony mechanism for employment agreement system and work contract system. 建立就业协议制度与劳动合同制度的衔接与协调机制。
Content determines function. Followed by analysis of the employment agreement at the national macro-control on the contribution, contrasting the graduates and employers regulate the course of employment rights and obligations of the nature of its functions. 内容决定功能,紧接着分析就业协议在国家宏观调控上的贡献,反衬其规范毕业生和用人单位就业过程中权利义务这一本质功能的缺失。
The second part analyzes the validity of employment agreement and labor contract. 第二部分分析就业协议与劳动合同中违约金的法律效力问题。
At present, Employers hire university graduates generally in two forms in our country: one is adopting employment agreement certified by administration Department of national education ministry; the other is directly signing labor contract. 当前,我国高校毕业生与用人单位签订录用协议一般采用两种形式,一类采用国家教育行政部门统一核发的就业协议,一类直接签订劳动合同。
Nevertheless, the employment agreement can not deny the contract property, the contract must be abided by, unless there is an agreement or statutory reasons occur. 尽管如此,就业协议的合同属性却无法否认,合同必须信守,除非有约定或者法定的事由发生。
Meanwhile, clarify the employment agreement to lift some of the problems that exist in practice. 在此过程中,理清就业协议解除实践中存在的某些问题。
From the real existence of the employment agreement to lift the stalemate, starting to study in the employment agreements within the framework of the existing system and the educational administrative department of the parties to break the deadlock. 本文遵循实证主义的研究路径,从现实存在的就业协议解除僵局出发,考察在现有制度框架内就业协议当事人和教育行政管理部门为突破僵局所进行的制度实践。
Finally, some radical theorists call for a thorough reform abolition of the employment agreement. 最后,介绍了理论界更为彻底的改革呼声&废除就业协议。
In view of the above legal conflicts, the fourth part puts forward proposals on employment agreement and the labor contract. 第四部分针对以上法律冲突,对就业协议的修改提出建议。
Suit the remedy to the case. First, the nature of the employment agreement needs to have a clear positioning. 对症下药,首先需要对就业协议的性质有明确的定位。
Clearly set out in tabular form of graduates, universities, employers under the "Interim Provisions" and their duties, obligations in the employment agreement. 通过图表形式简洁明快地展现就业协议的签订过程及在此过程中毕业生、高校、用人单位根据《暂行规定》和就业协议书而负有的职责、义务及违反职责、义务的责任。
I selected a representative case from actual cases, termination disputes panoramic display of graduates in the bucket in the hedge, induction and deduction out of the employment agreement termination of the existence of the impasse that can not be ignored. 笔者从中选取具有代表性的现实案例,全景展示毕业生在解约纠纷中的困兽之斗,归纳演绎出了就业协议解除僵局这一不容忽视的存在。
Facing the reality of legal existence of the employment agreement, taking into account the reform of the employment agreement can not be achieved immediately, the author advocates legal norms based on the existing countermeasures. 直面就业协议合法存在的现实,考虑到就业协议的改革不可能一蹴而就,笔者主张立足于现有法律规范研究对策。
First, the author analyzes unilateral termination of employers and graduates of the unilateral termination in different situations, come to the conclusion that the employment agreement mainly constrains college graduates, the employers pay low cost. 首先,分析用人单位单方解约和毕业生单方解约的不同情形,得出就业协议解除条款主要约束毕业生,用人单位违约成本低廉的结论。
Employment agreement will not have labor contracts, especially the terms of the employment agreements must include labor contract stages of investigation, the labor contract signed by both parties prior to the rights and obligations of its regulation has considerable theoretical risk. 将不具备劳动合同必备条款的就业协议纳入劳动合同订立阶段进行考察,通过劳动合同签订前双方的权利义务对其规制具有相当的理论风险。